DWizards Agency Apps

ELISA – Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Logbook 1.1
Designed in accordance with EASA’s AMC 66.A.20(b)2 forAircraftMaintenance personnel of all levels, ELISA is a brand new,modernand intuitive method of logging and proving YourAircraftMaintenance Experience. Built-in Job Search and TechnicalTrainingSearch options make ELISA an essential tool in everyAircraftMaintenance Engineer’s toolbox. FEATURES: AIRCRAFTMAINTENANCEENGINEER’S LOGBOOK Current format of ELISA's AME Logbookaims toprovide a methodical way of recording current workexperience forusers at any skill level, from a trainee to amulti-licensedengineer. The data recorded with ELISA can beexported and printedto support User's application for issuance oramendment of AircraftMaintenance License and to demonstrate User'ssix months ofmaintenance experience in preceding two years. Unlikehard copyversions of various Logbooks on the market, ELISA’sLogbook wasspecifically designed with different nature ofemployment in mind,both permanent staff and contractors, i.e. eachtask entry iscompletely independent from the previous one and canbe on adifferent aircraft/engine type, using a different skilllevel orlicense category and within a different MRO. AIRCRAFTTECHNICALINSTRUCTOR LOGBOOK Up until now, there was no genuine,widelyaccepted method of logging experience for AviationTechnicalInstructors and Examiners. This is where ELISA movesboundaries andsets new standards. Completely new to the market,ELISA'sInstructor Logbook allows recording of the wide varietyofinstruction tasks in different aircraft maintenance settings.FromBasic Training instruction to Type Training instruction, theoryorpractical, Structured On Job Training mentoring or evennon-Part147 training like EWIS, HF, FTS, SMS... Regardless of whatyouspecialize in as an instructor, now you have systematic methodofrecording your experience. EXPORT One of the essential toolsELISAhas to offer is the Export section of your Logbooks. As theprintedand signed pages of your Logbook are still a standardrequirementby all Civil Aviation Authorities, ELISA's powerfulexport toolallows you to email, print or save your logbook on yourphone. Inaddition, ELISA will allow you to filter out theexperience in aspecific time period and/or on specific aircrafttype, using only acertain license (for multi-licensed engineers).This is veryhelpful if you want to prove at least 6 months in thepast 2 yearsof experience on a certain aircraft type. JOB SEARCH /TRAININGSEARCH Are you a permanent employee looking to getintocontracting? Or are you a contractor looking for a newchallenge?ELISA understands what is it like not to get a reply toyour jobapplication or what is it like to keep on getting sameemails, fromsame recruiters, working for the same agencies for thejobs thatmight not even apply to you. And she will not do the sameto you...Use the filter in ELISA's Preference section to filter outjobalerts applicable only for your qualification level andaircrafttypes you are licensed on. Or use the filter in the samePreferencesection to tell ELISA what training you are looking for.ELISA willfind it for you and let you know. TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENTRECORDSUpdating these Records in less than a minute, will openELISA'sfull potential to you as a User, giving you the access to aJobSearch option and Training Search option. These two Recordshaveupload functions for your certificates to keep them safe. Settheexpiry date of your mandatory HF, EWIS and FTS certificatesandELISA will remind you a month before the expiry to keep youlegal.DOWNLOAD NOW AND JOIN ELISA